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来源:证券之星   时间:2025-01-19 23:52:44   阅读量:9104   

Kerr Ke, CEO of LaSense Technology, said in an interview with us that government authorities in the Greater Bay Area have been consistently improving infrastructure and policy support to assist start-ups. Shenzhen’s Qianhai has established an innovation base for entrepreneurs from Hong Kong and Macao, offering them larger spaces and greater opportunities for growth. Over the past two years, LaSense Technology has seen significant improvements in the business environment of the Greater Bay Area.

In addition to government support for businesses in the region, the integration of both infrastructure and institutional connectivity within the Greater Bay Area is also a major concern for companies. This is especially true for LaSense Technology, which expanded its operations from Hong Kong to Shenzhen. Xu further adds that both Hong Kong and Guangdong are actively working towards the goal of Greater Bay Area integration. He mentions that during the process of starting a business, there have been few obstacles in communication with clients across the region, and the exchange of information has been smooth and efficient.

In November 2019, LaSense Technology was founded in Hong Kong, specializing in the independent research and production of ultra-high sensitive gas sensors . After a year, the startup moved to the youth innovation and entrepreneur hub located in Shenzhen’s Qianhai, referred to as the Dream Factory , where it established LaSense Technology Co., Ltd.



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